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Tell Congress We Need a New U.S. Recycling System

Currently less than 10 percent of plastic generated in the United States is recycled. If we don't act now, most of that plastic produced will continue to be sent to landfills, incinerated or worse, leaked into the environment.24

Send a Letter: Tell Congress We Need a New U.S. Recycling System!

The United States produces 36 million tons of plastic every year, yet only 3 million tons of plastic is recycled. Gaps in collection, lack of recycling infrastructure and hard to recycle products and packaging all contribute to low recycling rates. We must drastically change the way we approach recycling and tell Congress it is time for action!

Plastic waste is impacting our planet, and there are studies pointing to impacts on human and animal health. We need to keep plastic waste out of the environment and from getting into the food chain.

Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, is a policy approach in which producers that supply packaging and paper to residents are financially and, in many cases, operationally responsible for those materials in end-of-life management. The goal is to create a sustainable source of funding to support added recycling collection and infrastructure. Combined with incentives for companies that use sustainable packaging design and recycled material within the packaging of their products, much higher recycling rates are reached. And, most importantly, EPR keeps plastic waste from going into the environment.

For EPR to work successfully, government, businesses and consumers must all work together toward the same goal. The best way to do so is through adoption of a national EPR framework at the federal level.

Send a letter to your elected leader encouraging federal EPR legislation!

Why federal EPR legislation is needed:

  • By 2030, it is estimated U.S. landfills could reach capacity in several states.25 26
  • Individual state EPR regulations and processes can create complexity and inconsistencies, while harmonization of common policy elements drives stronger circularity outcomes.
  • The environmental impact of new plastic is greater than recycled plastic.
  • 79% of Americans believe the government should lead the way in dealing with plastic waste.

Time is running out to address the large volumes of plastic ending up in landfills or the environment, instead of being recycled. We must act now by passing federal EPR legislation.