Improve Our Recycling Systems

Improve Our Recycling Systems

The U.S. needs broad sweeping change in its recycling systems.

Despite billions of dollars of investment in the U.S., recycling levels have not improved in 20 years. Only 5% of all plastic waste is recycled in the U.S.

We must solve this issue. A federal recycling policy called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) can help ensure we’re all involved. Suppliers, producers, distributors and sellers would work together to ensure that all discarded products and packaging are recovered, recycled and reused.

A Deeper Dive into Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
In the U.S., recycling is not organized at the federal level but at the state and municipal levels. This can lead to confusion about what and how to recycle.

EPR can create a federal approach that would drive common practices at all state levels.

Setting a federal standard for EPR will help drive recycling program efficiencies across the states and drive nationwide improvements to increase recycling rates for all packaging materials, especially plastic. 

EPR programs can correct the broken aspects of our recycling system by funding the proper processing of recycled materials to feed them back into new products.
Current U.S. EPR Legislation
Click each state to learn the latest about their EPR legislation and programs.
Bill Name/Number:
Current Status:
Core Principles of EPR

Producers must bear the costs of expanding and improving recycling infrastructure, but new producer contributions should not be diverted to other uses.

Consumer Education

Funds would help create and support consumer outreach and public education activities on recycling.


Eco-modulation, a policy component that incentivizes producers to create products with recycled content, is needed to drive sustainable innovation in product and packaging design.


Producers that use recycled content may be charged lower fees or get a credit; producers are penalized for not using recycled content; there must be disincentives for use of virgin materials.

Minimum Standards

Minimum standards are needed for incorporating recycled content.

Compliance Obligations

Producers should be able to work with PROs to meet compliance obligations.

Phased Approach

EPR policies should be phased-in to give the program time to work, facilitate innovation and assess effectiveness.